Rome in a Weekend

My boyfriend and I make a deal, since I ’ m taking a master in London and we lived in Frankfurt (Germany) we try to see each other at least once every 3 weeks. Because of this, our Christmas gift was a weekend in Rome in January. Being myself Italian, I couldn ’ t wait to show the best places of Rome to my French boyfriend. Arrival day Arrived on Friday night, we took an amazing pizza in one of those little restaurants behind the corner of a small streets, with just Italians inside. The pizza was amazing Then we took a nice walk and our Bed and Breakfast was near the Vatican and we had the pleasure to see Saint Peter almost empty. It was so majestic. I couldn ’ t stop admiring it. Day 1 Morning Since we were so close to the Vatican, we decided to take a real tour of it. We visited the Sistine chapel, the Cupola enjoying the amazing view and the basilica. It is a very recommended tour, we spent € 8 for the Sistine chapel, Vatican museums and gardens; € 6...